Hello Guys,
Valentine week is back..
and after two years I am ready with 7 posts for each day again, but now a lil different
I have dedicated my previous valentine posts for happy couples, married or committed or just simply happily single
what about
unhappy single
single after break-up
single after dumped
single after lost-love
single after dumping
unhappily married
unhappily committed
unhappily broken up
Now dont you think its unfair? After all what will be the percentage of people who are happy on Valentines day?
So lets concentrate on this segment of the population (oops.. i mean group) who celebrate SAD valentine's day
What is SAD valentine's day?
never heard of it?
Good.. lets start with the post on SAD valentine's day..
What does WIKI say?
""Singles Awareness (or Appreciation) Day" (SAD) is a humorous holiday, created by Trevor Mcwanda celebrated on February 14 (although some prefer the 13th or the 15th to get away from the commercialism associated with the 14th). It serves as an alternative to Valentine's Day for people who are single, that is, not involved in a romantic relationship. Some people who observe SAD do so out of spite for Valentine's Day, as a Hallmark holiday, or for other reasons.
On Singles Awareness Day, single people gather to celebrate or to commiserate in their single status. Some want to remind romantic couples that they don't need to be in a relationship to celebrate life.
Common activities during Singles Awareness Day include, single events, traveling, volunteering, treating oneself to popular activities, gathering of family and friends, and gift giving for oneself.
On this day many people wear green, as it is considered to be the 'opposite' of red"
"The exact founding of Singles Awareness Day is unknown," said Matt Brick, creator of singleawareness.com, a relatively new information portal.
"Our culture is definitely weighted towards couples, but in the [last] few decades the rise in divorce rates and other changes in society have fueled more single people than ever before."
There is another thingy, SAP.. Singles Adoption Program. Under which couples take out a single with them on Valentines day. :O
Question arises, Am I being supportive or satirical about the above? Well, you will know in later posts ;)
Is love a tender thing? It is too rough,
Too rude, too boist'rous, and it pricks like thorn. -act 1 scene 4 Romeo & Juliet
Shakespeare's words through Romeo. Dont you agree? Think about it till I'll be back with next.