Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Valentine Week - 6

While trying to simplify the very nature of dating in a world run on mobile phones, current generation has compiled a dictionary for itself.

Benching - Being inconsistent in your treatment of a person, when you are unsure of your feelings for them

Softboy - A man who poses as a complicated person with emotions, but is ultimately selfish, is a softboy.
"He discusses his ex-girlfriend within the first thirty minutes of the date. He talks about her in a sad, wistful way rather than a snarky, resentful way… He is artistic. He is aware. He is still a d—,

Haunting - The ghost (who cut off you earlier) returning through social media interactions without being directly in touch with you, is haunting!
Sliding - A form of social media flirting, especially Twitter DM

Tuning - Flirting with "Lets see" attitude

Passive ghosting - When someone who is not interested in dating a person still responds and shows slight interest, leaving that person in a constant state of confusion

Talking - A casual way of saying that you two have started “seeing each other.”

Cuffing season - Fall and winter, the time of the year you don’t want to be single in! The cuffing makes you want to say, “’til spring do us part!”

DTR - Define the Relationship

Boo Thing/ Boo thang - A boo thing/ thang refers to your love interest

Ghosting - Fading out or ending contact without giving any explanation whatsoever or breaking up in straightforward way.

Zombieing - A zombie is one who has ghosted you before, but re-emerges using a social media channel, thus opening a can of worms.

Swerve - Swerve means to dodge someone you are not interested in

Bae - Bae means Before Anyone Else

Catch and Release - Catch and Release is a common tactic that daters use while chasing someone. If that someone is reeled in, this commitment-phobe suddenly gets bored and is all, “See you later!”

Cute-a-gory - A category based solely on looks! This system lets you rate from 0 to 10, and then helps you decide whether they are out of your league or not

Feminist boyfriend - Attracted to assertive women, rather than getting intimidated by them

Lumbersexual - These men have rugged beards, are nature’s pets (at least stalking them on their Instagram page gives that idea!), and wear flannels and daddy jeans. If you are a hipster, this is your meat!

Non-date date - It includes plenty of alcohol, intense eye contact, a subtle flirty vibe, and lots & lots of confusion.

On a thing - When you are ‘on a thing,’ you mean you are in a relationship, and are quite serious about it

Textlationship - Instead of personal dates, you'll have long conversations, flirt sessions over texts only

Draking- the act of wallowing in your sorrows caused by the opposite sex

The Lemming - Someone that, despite exclusively dating, will ditch their partner as soon as a friend comes out of a relationship

FBO - This term stands for Facebook Official, officially changing relationship status on FB.

And I thought use of jargon to screw people over more than they already are is exclusive to MBAs and corporates. Most of the nomenclature can be translated to a single phrase. Mixed Signals.

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